Friday, December 29, 2023


When an old man complains about the younger generation, the standard retort is, its always been that way. The point is that if this generation is in trouble no one would know. When I was young I would go to the library to do research but today I just go online. This is not a change is style but a more convenient way to research. I still take in information, digest it and regurgitate it in my own style. I used to write letters to the editor in the local paper and they would call me to verify that I was the writer but after while they no longer called. I inquired about this and the editor told me he knew my style and didn't have to verify. Contrast that the Chat Gpt. A writer can start using this as way to improve efficiency but in time it will be used more frequently and soon the writers style will change. Slowly overtime the writer will be influenced by the computer without realizing what is happening. At that point the computer is integrating the bias of the programmer into the writer. If more and more writers use this new technology the computers gain more and more power over what is written. The next move is the government gaining control of the programmers. In an indirect way this is happening today when government is allowed to influence what social media permits. At my age I will not be using Chat Gpt but many younger writers may not consider the potential risk or even be aware of the risk.

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