Tuesday, December 12, 2023


Once nuclear power becomes the dominant source of power, then hydrogen will be produced by the electrolysis of water. Hydrogen can be used in two ways for transportation. First is direct hydrogen burning engines and second combining hydrogen with carbon dioxide to synthesize liquid hydrocarbons like jet and diesel fuel. The first would be used in cars and small trucks along with recreation vehicles and small yard tools. The tank in a hydrogen car is 30 gallons and the car can travel 400 miles. The hydrogen is stored in a carbon fiber tank at 10,000 PSI. The second for airplanes, heavy farm and military equipment, ocean liners and rail locomotives. The process of making hydrocarbons means taking CO2 out of the atmosphere and combining that with hydrogen and burning the hydrocarbons and releasing the CO2 back into the atmosphere. It is carbon neutral. To use hydrogen in planes and such requires liquefying the hydrogen to reduce storage space and that is too costly. As an added benefit sea water can be used as the source and not use up valuable fresh water and and the excess energy from nuclear plants can be used to desalt sea water and grow crops in desert areas.

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