Monday, December 4, 2023


The is a similarity between abortion rights and gun rights. Gun control advocates say they want background checks on all gun sales. This is a reasonable request so why does the NRA object. They are concerned that when they agree to that then next will be a ban on certain guns and then a ban on high capacity magazines. They say this slippery slope will continue until there is a ban on all guns. The abortion advocates will not give a time during the gestation period is too late for abortion because what ever that day is the anti abortion people will say what about the day before that and the day before that and so on. This is why neither side will yield even though polls show that the majority of people want to ban certain guns and the majority of people want to set a date usually 15 weeks. When people find themselves in a position where they cannot compromise for what ever reason then the result is stalemate. So each side can talk about how unreasonable the other side is and that is just what has been going on for years. Anti gun people will not be satisfied until all guns are banned and anti abortion people will not be satisfied until all abortions are banned and neither group will admit that is their goal.

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