Saturday, December 9, 2023


John McWhorter is a Black professor at Columbia University who describes himself as a cranky liberal Democrat supporter of Obama and gay marriage and never voted for Bush left of center voter. He has recently changed his mind about the George Floyd murder charge. He says the new body camera footage shows that Floyd was saying I can't breath while sitting in his car. He says that the autopsy showed no bruise marks on Floyds neck and contrary to what was reported in court and not challenged was that the service manual shows pictures of how an officer should put his knee on the shoulder of a suspect. The autopsy says the cause of death was a heart attack. The man was an overweight, heavy smoker who was high on fentanyl and had a history of heart trouble. During the trial large crowds gathered outside the courthouse threatening that there must be a guilty verdict. McWhorter has concluded that this was not a fair trial but that is water over the dam. It seems that often, long after an event certain new information is made available which challenges the original understanding of what happened. In the aftermath of the Floyd trial people wonder what would have happened if Floyd were found not guilty.

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