Wednesday, December 6, 2023


Sports the last bastion of merit ...the rest of the country has been infected with equity. When your goal is equal results you remove the striving for excellence. The 500 best basketball players in the world are in the NBA. There is no one there because of their father, because of family connections or power and money. They are there for one reason. They are the best in the world at what they do and the day that someone comes along that can do it better they are gone. Everywhere real or perceived inequality exist the first remedy is to lower the bar. In a free market economy there will be people who work hard and go the extra mile and others who will do the minimum required to get by but the hard workers should be rewarded and not punished. The famous sports writer Grantland Rice expressed it best when he wrote. When the Great Scorekeeper in the sky Comes to write beside your name He'll ask not whether you won or lost But how you played the game

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