Sunday, December 3, 2023


Of all sad words of tongue and pen The saddest are these It might have been Sometimes regrets allow us to play the what if game. We cannot say what if Trump had been reelected as that would be to hard for many to accept but we can do the next best thing and say what would the world look like today if Biden had just continued the Trump policies. First off the country would still be energy independent because fossil fuel production would have been high. This would have kept the price of energy low which would lead to low prices which means low inflation which means the Fed would not have to raise interest rates which means low cost borrowing. The border policies would have remained in place and illegal crossings would be at 40,000 per month instead of 200,000. This would have prevented the sending of migrants to northern cities like New York and Chicago and these city mayors would not be begging the federal government for help. The strong backing of law enforcement including demanding the governors force the district attorney's to enforce the law and that would have kept the crime levels from rising. The first real increase in wages for middle income workers in 40 years would have continued. All the new government regulations imposed in the last three years would not be there and the country would be poised to enter the age of reshoring. The severe sanctions on Iran's financial system along with the ban on oil exports from 2 million barrels per day to 400,000 barrels would have limited Iran's ability to finance their surrogates in Hamas and likely prevent the war. A settlement with Russia agreeing that Ukraine would not be invited to join NATO would have prevented the war. The Abraham Accords would have expanded to include Saudi Arabia and peace in the Middle East would have been closer than ever. This is all pie in the sky but it is based on the simple idea of just continuing policies that were working. The impetus to change policy was led by the New Green Deal. A large group of people on the left convinced Biden that the biggest threat to civilization was climate change and fossil fuels must be replaced by wind and solar. They had a hidden agenda to use climate change to promote social change. This is all coming apart as people realize that windmills and solar panels cannot replace fossil fuel and to add insult to injury people do not want electric cars. It is not to late to regroup and go back to the Trump policies and move toward nuclear power. We can even end the wars by restricting Iran oil sales and keeping Ukraine out of NATO.

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