Saturday, December 9, 2023


Most people today do not realize that in 1960 you could trade a bushel of wheat for a barrel of oil because they both sold for $3. Today oil has gone from $3 to $70 but wheat has only gone from $3 to $7. The big difference is fertilizer. In 1960 wheat was 60 bushels per acre but today it is 180 bushels. If you do the math $3 per bushel at 60 bushels per acre is $180 per acre. Today at $7 per bushel and 180 bushels per acre is $1,260 per acre. From 180 to 1,260 is 700% increase and oil from 3 to 70 is 2,300% increase. The difference is that it cost 500% more to frack oil than to drill oil. If oil drops to $50 then fracking is no longer profitable. Long term oil must be replaced, first by natural gas and finally nuclear.

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