Sunday, December 10, 2023


The people in power always want to get more power and the new green deal was one way. They would use the front of climate change to introduce more government control. This has now advanced to stage two where National Asset Companies are formed to securitize natural resources like farm land once again under the guise of saving the earth from climate change. The main control in the constitution to prevent this concentration of power is the press but they have been sidelined by their ownership and lack of courage by individual reporters so the only option to slow down this take over is an informed electorate. The status quo will be maintained by keeping citizens in their separate corners and calling out any challenges to the system as conspiracy theorist and misinformation. The one way this plan can run into difficulty is if they go to far to fast. This may be coming as the latest move to force people into EV's may be a bridge too far. Americans stood by while toilets, light bulb, gas stoves and even demanding Covid shots but there is a limit to what people will put up with and EV's may be the beginning.

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