Wednesday, December 6, 2023


The misnamed Inflation Reduction Act, which in fact, is large subsidies to expedite reshoring of manufacturing to the United States is underway and a large portion is directed to help the transition to wind and solar. The materials used in wind and solar manufacturing come from outside the US and if the country wants secure supply chains this will have to change. This means mining in the US and therein lies a problem as the same people who want clean air and water are the ones that want wind and solar. Mining often causes pollution of land, water, and air, spread of toxic wastes, water depletion, deforestation, biodiversity loss, and social disruption. Despite the fact that it is subject to federal and state environmental regulations, metal mining is the number one toxic polluter in the U.S. To meet the expected demand for lithium, nickel and cobalt one analysis projected that 384 new mines would be needed. This says nothing about the rare earths which are some of the dirties mines and other elements like copper. To quote the King and I, is a puzzlement.

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