Wednesday, January 31, 2024


When politicians in the US talk about cutting spending they have a difficult time, if not impossible, chance of winning. Once people receive a benefit it is difficult to take it away. Politicians have learned that they can garner votes by offering benefits. The question is always, how long can this keep going. A quick look at Argentina today can give a sneak preview into what might happen in the US if spending continues. The government in Argentina has been handing out benefits like candy to various groups and getting their vote in return. The result is that many different government agencies have been set up and each has its own give away program and each gets reelected. Well the government is out of money so it did the logical thing, it started to print more money. This resulted in high inflation over 200%. The people who saved their money lost their money and got upset so a man named Javier Milei ran for president on the pledge to cut benefits and miracle of miracles he was elected. He was an outsider having no political experience. He has been in office less than three months and has consolidate 18 agencies into 9. Argentina had 3.5 million government employees and the population is only 45 million The US has 3 million federal employees and a population of 330 million. It will be interesting to see how long this guy can last and others can learn something from his actions.

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