Wednesday, January 24, 2024


For most of American history a college education was limited to people of means. Thus most professors and students tended to be conservative in their politics. After WW 2 that began to change, propelled by the GI Bill which helped many lower income students. As more diversity of students passed through schools more diversity of professors reached tenure and political views also became more diverse. This caused the universities to move from conservative views to liberal views and this change accelerated about 30 years ago. When the idea of diversity, equity and inclusiveness (DEI) came on the scene many professors believed in their hearts that this was a good thing and moved to promote the idea. There is competition between professors for good jobs and some saw this as an opportunity to move up. One way to do that if you were a liberal is to get rid of the conservatives and thus open up a position. There were the convinced (believers in DEI) and the opportunist and each could profit from this new philosophy. Something similar happened in Germany in the 1930's when Hitler came to power. As the Jews were forced out of the universities many saw this as an opportunity. Like so many things the movement toward liberalism went to extremes and today polls show that only 9% of professors say they are liberal and these are concentrated in science and business. Many areas like humanities, fine arts and liberal arts are almost devoid of conservatives. This change occurred in the college of education and today many high school teachers tend to be liberal and this spells over into their teaching style, once again more so in social studies, history and English but not so much in math and science.

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