Wednesday, January 31, 2024


The coming years will be a time of tumultuous changes in the world and in particular in the United States. The de-globalization and the accompanying reshoring will create the largest economic expansion in history. The new facilities using the latest technology will increase productivity which will offset some of the negative effects of wage/price inflation. This coming November Biden will be reelected as the republicans could not compete in the game of ballot harvesting. This will lead to Harris taking over and in spite of government efforts to slow down the economy, using the fear of climate change by increasing regulations, the industrial Juggernaut will surge ahead. In time the migrants will receive work permits and a path to citizenship and America will move from a center right country to a center left. These are the people who will fill the low skill jobs while others will move into high paying industrial positions that require higher skills. Slowly the country will realize that wind and solar cannot replace fossil fuels and nuclear will move to the head of the line. With this new source of clean electricity, charging stations will replace gas stations and EV's will become popular. After five or so years of high inflation the new middle income group will grow in size and resemble the 1950's as incomes rise faster than inflation. As the standard of living rises other factors like cultural differences will become less important. There will be a push to change the educational system to train the type of workers that will be needed in the new high tech businesses. Business will join forces with schools to create a work force that will accommodate the countries needs. Elected officials will realize that the road to reelection is best served by not making waves and just allowing the economy to keep them in office. This means a lot less bickering and an incentive to unite the country.

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