Thursday, January 25, 2024


It is my contention the government should not be trusted and that the bureaucracy is out of control. The documents released by Edward Snowden revealed how the NSA is and has been spying on American citizens. With a top secret court order, the NSA collected the telephone records from millions of Verizon customers. June 6, 2013The NSA accessed and collected data through back doors into US Internet companies like Google and Facebook with a program call Prism. June 7, 2013. There were 10 million documents released and the interesting thing is that 99.99% of them contained nothing but everyday rather mundane bits of information about everyday life, the same type of stuff you would find on Facebook but they were marked secret and top secret which meant if you read them you would be committing a crime. This allows the government to collect information in secret. What did the documents reveal that would be harmful. They showed a top secret black budget that funded 16 spy agencies in the intelligence community and that the NSA was paying private tech companies for access to their networks. This smacks of a non elected government (bureaucracy) within the government. What other secret groups are hidden within the elected government. There needs to be a house cleaning and it won't be done easily since the government has a lot of dirt on anyone who might want to investigate. People in power do not like to give up their power.

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