Sunday, January 14, 2024


Most people are unaware that of one of the most common solutions to the problem of climate change is to dismantle capitalism. The claim is that capitalism caused the climate problems now facing the world and so it must be eliminated. If you google capitalism/climate you will find many articles demanding that capitalism be replaced with something more akin to socialism. While many are aware that the new green deal is a local version of this desire for socialism most are not aware of the international desire for same. Most major projects in the modern world require a partnership between private and government entities and the answer to the climate problem is one of those. If the desire to piggy back social change on top of climate change were to be recognized as interference then the door would open to nuclear power. This of course is happening in spite of the socialism push as reality sets in and it becomes obvious that wind and solar cannot solve the problem without creating new and bigger problems. As more articles are published outlining the hazards of mining, processing and disposing of materials needed for wind and solar this solution will be phased out and nuclear will become the dominant solution.

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