Thursday, January 11, 2024


I was working as a sub during Covid and on each room door was a sign saying no more than 13 students in the room at one time. This meant the half the students had to have distance learning at home. This was the result of the 6 foot rule that dictated that all students must remain six feet apart. All the hallways had arrows on the floor to direct foot traffic and stairs were one way to avoid close contact. Former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioner Scott Gottlieb said on Sunday that “nobody knows” the origins of the six-foot social-distancing recommendation. In between classes the teachers would hold the students in the hall while they sprayed each desk with a quaternary ammonia compound and these require a five minute contact time to be effective. The teacher would spray each desk and immediately wipe down and this took less than five minutes. All the rooms were equipped with newly purchased air filtering units where the air was circulated to remove harmful virus. While the filter can remove moisture droplet with virus attached they do not remove virus alone. The same is true for masks. All of this information will be known the next time a pandemic happens and more effective measures can be implemented.

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