Friday, January 26, 2024


The senate is trying to negotiate a solution to the border problem but most of the senators are not privy to what is being proposed. The same is true of the voters since no where on the Internet is it revealed. Wouldn't it be wise to revert back to the Trump border policies while this negotiation is on going. This means no more catch and release, bring back the remain in Mexico policy and have Mexico close their southern border with Guatemala. During the Trump years border crossing averaged less than 50,000 per month and the past three years that has risen to 250,000. This would allow time to stop the bleeding while the senate figures out what to do. Trump told the Mexican government what to do or he would impose import taxes on Mexicans goods and they agreed to his demands. Biden asked Mexico to close their border with Guatemala and here was their response. In a press conference on Friday, López Obrador called on the U.S. to approve a plan that would deploy $20 billion to Latin American and Caribbean countries, suspend the U.S. blockade of Cuba, remove all sanctions against Venezuela and grant at least 10 million Hispanics living in the U.S. the right to remain and work legally.

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