Tuesday, January 23, 2024


There is a discussion going on in today's world on the difference between equal opportunity and equal results. Because people are different they will end up in different places financially and in quality of life. Some people are poor but have good family relations and some are rich and have poor family relationships. Gen Z which is just coming on are more interested in quality of life issues instead of making lots of money. Many older people grew up chasing the brass ring and sacrificed some family time but considered it worth it. A good solution is to allow for everyone to choose their path but have good safety net for those who cannot get out of poverty with the caveat that Bill Clinton proposed when he said welfare should be a helping hand and not a way of life. There will always be a small minority who just can't take care of themselves but the goal should be to bring these to a minimum. There should be an open debate over these issues and proceed accordingly. As new information is gathered then changes should be made. Parents know that you can do too much for a child and too little and government should understand the same applies to them.

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