Saturday, January 20, 2024


Quiet quitting is a new phrase that has become popular in the last five years or so. I investigated to find out what it meant and discovered, to my surprise, that 30 some years ago before I retired, I myself was a quiet quitter. I worked on a commission basis and the more I worked the more I earned but I had no desire to be the top person or to break sales records. My philosophy was if I could make the money I needed to take care of my family working 20 hours per week that is what I would do. I had a good balance between my work life and my family life. The Gen Y people understand this balance and they are the promoters of the quiet quitting idea. They do not believe in being on call all hours of the day. A good example of this idea can be seen in an old movie staring Gregory Peck called The Man In The Gray Flannel Suit. He is a young up and coming executive and the boss wants him to take over the company but he sees how the boss' life has been ruined because of his work ethic and he doesn't what that to happen to him. At the end of the movie he says to his boss, I guess I'm just one of those 9 to 5 kind of guys. That is what the Gen Z people are like. This difference can effect the whole country. For example Europeans have long since considered quality of life more important than making money. The productivity in the United States is twice that of the European Union. For 2023, the GDP is projected to be $26,949.64 billion for the US and $18,351.13 billion for the EU while the US population is 330 million vs the EU at 450 million. For those Americans who always wanted to be more like the Europeans take a look at Gen Z

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