Thursday, January 25, 2024


The unexpected consequences of good intentions can be seen in what is called, by the disparaging term, virtue signaling and one of the best examples is illegal immigration. Sanctuary cities across the country quoted the words on the Statue of Liberty, give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free, and they got their wish. It was easy to say those words when they thought all the huddled masses would remain in Texas but when they showed up on the their door step the whole situation changed. These newly arrived migrants are putting stress on existing social institutions, increasing demand for goods and services and negatively effecting the local citizens. The mayors of these major cities are now asking the federal government for more money when the solution to the problem is fewer migrants. Around the world there are an estimated 180 million people who want to come to American and most people know the country cannot handle that number of migrants.

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