Friday, January 12, 2024


From the end of WW 2 until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 the democrats controlled the congress and were considered the working mans party. During the 50's and early 60's the blue collar worker had an increase in the standard of living but that all changed when globalization came along. This led to the transfer of manufacturing jobs to foreign countries and the working man paid the penalty. While the blue collar workers saw their standard of living decline the wealth gap widened. Free world trade made the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The democrats claimed to be the party of the working man while they promoted free trade. Real wages for working families declined for 40 years. In the Reagan years the workers woke up and realized they had been promised year after year that things would improve but it never happened. In 2016 they rebelled and voted for Trump out of desperation and they were rewarded with the first real increase in wages since the 1960's. This turned politics up side down and today the republicans are the party of the working man.

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