Friday, January 12, 2024


The educational system in the United States is plagued with problems like class size, student discipline, grade inflation and race gaps in test scores. Even though the US spends more on education than other developed countries the US falls further behind each year. The bright spot is in the area of post graduate work where the US excels. Scholars from around the world come to the US for advanced work. In the coming years this will serve the country well especially in the areas of science and technology. While the country has always been blessed with creative innovators, who did not rely on advanced education, the future will require those with PhD degrees. It is not easy to get such a degree and students are often times filtered out along the way and for those who make the grade the country will need their expertise. Undergrads in today's university are distracted with all sorts of non academic obstacles but the serious students will find their way through this mine field and develop the new ideas to build the future upon.

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