Saturday, January 27, 2024


What goes around comes around is something you witness as you get older. Back in the 1950's something called McCarthyism came into the news. It started as an anti communist movement but like so many things it quickly became political. Senator Joe McCarthy started the un -American activities investigation which let to accusing prominent citizens of being communist sympathizers. This was the equivalent of cancel culture since the charge immediately blackened the reputation of these people. It morphed into conservatives going after liberals and was very successful until people finally woke up to the damage it was causing. Something similar is happening today as democrats accuse republicans of being racist, un American and trying to destroy democracy. Just like last time these are charges tossed around based mostly on opinion. If you say close the border you are called anti immigrant, say too many Blacks are murdering too many Blacks and you are racist. Say the Covid came from a Chinese lab and you are xenophobic. This will pass but it takes a while like last time.

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