Friday, January 12, 2024


In April of 2019 Hunter Biden dropped off his laptop for repair. The repairman was a Trump supporter and thought the information on the laptop should be reported to the FBI. He made a copy of the hard drive and turned the laptop over to the FBI in December of 2019. Nothing happened so in August of 2020 the copy was given to Rudy Giuliani who then gave it to the New York Post. On October 14, 2020 the Post printed the story. On October 19, 2020 more than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter saying the Post story looks like Russian disinformation. Twitter and Facebook declined to print the Post story saying the information was unverified. Two questions. First why did the FBI not confirm the legitimacy of the laptop during the early part of 2020 and second how did they get more than 50 former intelligence officers to sign that letter in only five days. Did those signers have time to evaluate the laptop or were they even given access to the laptop. This letter became more significant when during the presidential debate the subject came up and Biden said 51 former intelligence officers said it was Russian disinformation and that ended the discussion.

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