Thursday, January 25, 2024


As television spread across the country this powerful medium became the primary path to winning presidential elections and it started with the Kennedy/Nixon debate just a month before the 1960 election. Since that time the wealthy behind the scenes power brokers have used TV to get their man elected. Almost all elections were won by the candidate with the biggest war chest. As the campaign fund rose the press started to move in that direction and this, by using TV ads, brought along the voters. This led voters to the common phrase, money is the mother's milk of politics. Then in 2015 all of that changed. Trump came along and realized that people were upset with a system that allowed the combination of money and press to elect the president and when he attacked the press and the bureaucracy people cheered. Trump came along at just the right time where he could bypass the press and use Twitter to get his message out. He understood that if he went on NBC 5 million people would watch but on Twitter 500 million would see his Tweets. The press of course was not happy with this as they had built up relations with politicians to get inside information and all of there years of work were not longer of any value. Added to that was the fact that Trump was transparent. What ever came into his mind he immediately put it out on Twitter. The press fully understands that Trump is good for business and to they keep putting him on the front page.

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