Friday, March 1, 2024


The headline says crime has declined significantly over the past year according to the FBI. Statistics being what they are should cause a deeper look into what has happened. First off if someone is arrested and not charged that is not counted. Police over that last few years have arrested fewer because there is a lot of paper work involved and they see the criminal back on the street. Second many times felony charges are reduced to misdemeanors. If you want to see a serious decrease in crime just change the concept of qualified immunity. Under current law it is difficult to sue a police officer. There is talk to change this and then police officers would have to buy private insurance to protect themselves from law suits. Police are hesitant to go into high crime areas for fear they will be charged with using excessive force. It is better just to avoid confrontation. Take away qualified immunity and officers will be even more concerned about attempting to arrest. If people smash and grab they are not arrested so arrest numbers are down. If people are living on the streets and dealing and using drugs they are not arrested so arrests are down.

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