Friday, March 1, 2024


Trump's rise to power in 2016, came as a complete surprise to the establishment. For many years the journalist, the big donors and the insiders determined who would be the nominees. They didn't understand that Trump's strategy was to run against the system and they responded with incomprehension and to some extent rage. The lobbyist who determined policy, the big donors who bought off the politicians, the entrenched bureaucrats and the press who had the power to make or break campaigns were all part of the cabal that ran the country. They did not want to attack Trump on policy because it might shed light on the monopoly they had in running the country, so they went after him with name calling. He was an evil, the second coming of Hitler or as Hillary said, a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic overall despicable person. The press and the established politicians spent their time railing against Trump's remarks and failed to see that he had tapped into the problems that the average voter was well aware. It was a common feeling that most people who went into politics did so with good intentions but soon found out that if you didn't tow the line you would be challenged in the primary and your funds would be cut off. It was not unusual to hear a typical middle income blue collar type say that all politicians are crooks. These same people saw their good jobs shipped overseas and they were resentful and Trump tapped into that resentment. The in crowd still is not aware of Trump's popularity and its never about the issues but about the threat to democracy.

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