Thursday, August 25, 2022


I have wondered for sometime why I have such an inordinate amount of interest in Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and it came to me today as I watched a short history of his company on Youtube. He was a young man only 30 years old when he quit his job because he had the idea of selling books on the Internet. His company went the first 14 years without making a profit. He survived by convincing investors to back him. When profits arrived they were reinvested to grow the company. Fast forward to today when Amazon is a multi-billion dollar company, the epitome of free market capitalism. The guy came up with an idea that at the time most thought was silly, he persevered, worked extra long hours for years and finally succeeded. Now the socialist come swooping in to grab up his money and give it to people who did not have the ideas, the ambition, the time or the way to do something on their own. This explains socialism in the way it truly is, that is, its a scavenger, a beast that survives on the hard work of someone else. Once they use up all of his money everyone will be poor and will wait around for the next Amazon to feed them.

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