Friday, August 26, 2022

Teachers and school

As parents get more involved with their children's schools only a few are questioning what is happening but the number of concerned parents is rising. As of now it is like polls concerning congress. Most people are happy with their congressman and their teacher but it is the other guys that are the problem. When parents read about some strange incident in some school they are upset for a short time but forget it when they realize it is not happening in their schools. Most of the time when some teacher or principal acts in a way that most parents would find unacceptable there is not much coverage in the press. Most teachers deal with student problems the same way they deal with problems at home with their own children and in most cases this will suffice. The current problems are the result of teachers being asked to cover subjects that are outside the scope of academics. If this comes down from the top then parents can help and if it comes directly from the teacher the principal can help. Teachers would much prefer not to have to be the parent and to limit their responsibilities to the schools curriculum. Teachers could not survive in their profession if they did not have a deep sincere desire to help children and so they can be counted upon to do what is best for the student. If they are doing otherwise some outside influence is generally the reason. There are a small number of teachers who carry their personal life beliefs into the classroom and parents would rightfully object. Teachers get in trouble when they tell students which religion or which life style or which political party is preferred and almost all teachers know where the lines are so this rarely happens.

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