Wednesday, August 17, 2022


The CDC announced today an over haul in their organization. The problem they encountered is that there main concern is protecting the health of the American people with no concern about the consequences. It is like a manufacturing plant where the manager is only concerned about quality. He strives for perfection to the point where most of his production is rejected by the Quality Control department. The Plant Manager is responsible for quality and production and most of the time one enhances the other but if he is only concerned about one the plant will collapse. The solution is that you cannot put the CDC in charge of the country because they will set up rules to protect everyone from everything and since we live in an imperfect world the whole thing will become chaotic. The same thing happens in cities with building regulations. If you only have city inspectors setting up the rules you will have a situation where building comes to a halt. These inspectors would sit around in a room and decide regulations based on safety only. Should we use 2 by 2's or 4's. Better go with 4's. Should we use 6 inch block or 8. Better go with 8. What is needed is someone who will actually build a house sitting in the room to challenge each new regulation.

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