Wednesday, August 3, 2022

No bail

Those who want no bail have good intentions since it is poor people who cannot afford bail and they should not be jailed awaiting trial while those with money get out. The down side to no bail can be seen in New York City since no bail became the law A small group of just 10 career criminals was allowed to run amok across the Big Apple rack up nearly 500 arrests after New York enacted its controversial bail reform law — and most of them are still out on the streets, The Post has learned. Stunning statistics compiled by the NYPD show that the city’s alleged “worst of the worst” repeat offenders have been busted a total of 485 times since bail reform went into effect in 2020. Two of the unidentified defendants are actually accused of embarking on lives of crime in the wake of bail reform, with one busted 33 times since 2020 and the other busted 22 times, all this year, the data shows.

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