Friday, August 26, 2022

Press bias

The story within the story within the story is where the real problem is. Hunter Biden is a young man with a drug problem and ended up getting money from business arrangements with China. That is the first problem and by itself is not worth investigating. The fact that the money he got may have ended up in his fathers account is problem two and that should be looked into. Then the press covered up problem one in order to effect the election and that is problem three and that is the most serious. When the national press helps to decide a presidential election by withhold exculpatory evidence it is time to wake up and take note. The press finds itself in the awkward position of not being able to investigate a serious situation because they are part of the story. They are the ones who said it was all Russian disinformation when they knew it was stuff made up by opposition research. They received Noble prizes for their misinformation and then a year after the election said the lap top was real which meant that their award winning information was not real.

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