Wednesday, August 17, 2022


For those who are interested in such stuff take a close look at the progress the world has made in just the last few hundred years. My father was born in 1900 when there were no cars or radios and he died in 1969 after man had landed on the moon. Look at computer developments in the last 50 years. When I was a freshman at the University of Illinois in 1955 a professor there developed the transistor which led to the chip which has revolutionized our lives. Now we know that there are some 100 billion stars in our galaxy and an estimated 100 billion galaxy and recent new telescopes tell us that most stars have planets. It is not only possible that there are other intelligent life forms out there somewhere it is possible that these intelligent being have been around for millions or billions of years. If their expertise increased at the rate that we on earth experienced what have they accomplished. Science tells us that we cannot have visitors from other galaxies because the distance is to great but these more advanced groups could have developed method of transportation that we cannot fathom. Don't ask me why I wrote this. Its just the way my mind works.

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