Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Science not

The world of politics is a world filled with subjectivity. Emotion often overrides logic with bias and prejudice running wild. People make commitments based on their heart and when the facts show they are on the wrong team they are unable to change sides. They feel they must defend their guy no matter what and they must degrade the other side no matter what. Discussions of policy are replaced with rants about personalities. Likability replaces competence. None of this is surprising to me but when the same thing happens in science, I am dumbfounded. Science is based on facts, logic, reason and testing of every theory, so everyday when I see scientist talk about the threat of global warming and possible solutions, I am amazed that they fail to mention nuclear power. It can't be a matter of safety since nuclear power has been around since 1951 and there has never been anyone injured or killed in this industry. The problem of waste products pales in comparison to wind and solar. All of the nuclear waste produced to date would fill a football field ten meters deep. The expert I heard today said he has solar panels on his house and he drives an electric car. Is he even aware of the problems with the mining and disposal in the wind and solar industry. Does he believe that airplanes can fly on batteries or that heavy construction equipment, railroad engines and ocean liners can run on batteries. Is he aware that wind and solar require millions of acres of land and they must be many miles from the use point meaning thousands of miles of power lines. I realize that many scientist have sold out for grant money and favors to green groups but that can only be a small number of scientist. Where are the rest. There is some reason that has nothing to do with science that causes these people to remain silent.

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