Thursday, August 25, 2022

Bottom up government

There are some who feel that the federal government is gotten so large it can no longer function effectively and they offer many examples to back up their point of view. One way to improve the efficiency is to look at what has happened to business over the past 50 years. It used to be that how business operates was determined by large corporations. It is said that President Coolidge said that the business of America is business. Charles Wilson, CEO of GM said something to the effect of as GM goes so goes the nation. Then along came Walmart and they turned the business world up side down. Instead of the corporation producing products and then telling retailers to sell them, Walmart told the corporation what to produce based on what they knew the customers wanted. This is bottom up business and just what the federal government needs to right itself. Let the people through their elected representatives in congress decide how the country should operate. Quit taking direction from bureaucrats in DC and start demanding that congress do its job. This will put a stop to reelecting the same people over and over. A recent example of how this can work is how the pandemic allowed parents to get involved in school boards and how that is changing education. Government from the ground up works best and it is time to return to the days when the country was new and we the people were in charge.

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