Wednesday, August 3, 2022


Government examples of the unintended consequences of good intentions are legion and one in the news today is what are the responsibilities of teachers. While teachers always led by example in showing children how to behave, things like saying please and thank you, they were, over time, asked to do more. Teachers act as role models and this is where some complications arise. When teachers treat others with dignity and respect and when they correct students behavior in that regard they are acting as role models. When they start to share their personal views on issues such as politics or religion many feel they are getting too involved. If for example if they say that all religions must be respected but anyone that says the abortion should be illegal is wrong this is a bridge too far. If they say that each person must choose their politics based on their personal beliefs they are on the right track but if they say that republicans are racist for the way they look at immigrants without distinguishing between legal and illegal immigrants they have gone too far. Since the War on Poverty started in 1964 the number of single parent homes has increased three fold with the most severe problems in the Black community. This, in particular, adversely effect Black male students who missed out on having a responsible male role model. Teachers, mostly female, attempted to compensate and felt they had to take on more parental responsibilities. Today the pendulum has swung too far and teachers must be asked to concentrate more on learning school work but in order to do that they need smaller class sizes and permission to move students they cannot control to other learning rooms.

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