Saturday, August 13, 2022


Power corrupts was a phrase used to describe what happened the the Catholic Church but it is not limited to religion. The power of the nonelected federal bureaucrats has now reached the point of corruption. When power is challenged you can expect stiff resistance quite capable of using what ever means is necessary to maintain the power. The best recent example is Trump. He could only attack this group because he was an outsider and not entangled with past dealings. It required a strong willed person bordering on ruthless to withstand the assaults from all the groups who felt threatened. First off the career federal employees who combined forces with the national press, big business including silicon valley, Hollywood, social media and the democratic party leadership all joined forces to protect their power. Members of the press, many of whom, had spent a career cultivating politicians to gain access to inside information found themselves on the outside looking in. From the start Trump revealed he was not like other politicians. He was brutally open with his thoughts which he expressed many times a day on Twitter. This infuriated the press because he passed them by going directly to the people. Many times he was too open. It was as if a thought popped into his head and he immediately tweeted it. This cabal of anti Trumpers breathed a sign of relief when Biden won but now they are once again awakened. Their old fears have returned and they are closing ranks to face the possibility that Trump may be elected for a second term. Someone like DeSantis promotes policies similar to Trumps but he would be eaten alive by the bureaucrats. He may be elected but things will go back to the way they always were. George Wallace once said, there's not a dimes worth of difference between the republicans and democrats and that is because he recognized that it is the bureaucracy that really runs the country. These career types understand that as long as they keep the proletariat fighting among themselves they will keep their power.

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