Saturday, August 13, 2022


Since WW 2 the federal bureaucracy has been gaining power and influence. It was accelerated with the Great Society of the 1960's and grew more after Watergate. Since the Patriot Act it has ballooned into a forth branch of government and these lifetime federal employees like their new found status. This whole process was rudely interrupted when Trump came along with his promise to drain the swamp. This sent warning bells throughout government and they reacted to protect their little fiefdoms by going after Trump. They picked a good time as about half the country sided with them not because they liked the bureaucrats but because they disliked Trump. In the past seven years we have witnessed the Justice Department led by the FBI and joined by the democrats investigating Trump and this led to two impeachments in which they knew would not be approved by the senate. These bureaucrats are afraid of a second term for Trump and they are tying to discredit him through their January 6 investigation. This is not going well and some feel the search of Trump's home was an attempt to gather information to bolster the January 6 investigation.

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