Friday, August 26, 2022

New axis

Back during the height of the cold war in 1956, Khrushchev famously said, we will buy you, referring to the western powers. We are now faced with a similar situation. The new axis is China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. China's announced goal is to become the worlds super power. Once again it is a battle between free people and those ruled by autocrats. Will freedom win out this time. Many Americans spend their energies bad mouthing the United States accusing the country of systemic racism while half of the people regale the other half with insults. We have a Russian diplomat negotiating a treaty between the US and Iran. We have major companies producing most of their goods in China. The US has more diversity than any country and many feel we are not open to the world. We rant about our contribution to CO2 but never mention we have made the greatest progress while China continues to build coal plants around the world. There is no country where the average Joe has a better chance to make a good life than here in the good old USA but too often people see only the down side of living here.

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