Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Michael Flynn

Human beings are designed in a way that permits contradictions and that is why your lawyer will tell you to use your constitution right to remain silent. When a person is interrogated over a long period of time it is inevitable that some contradictions will arise and if you are talking with the FBI you can go to jail. Lies like this are so common that they are referred to as process lies. These lies can be material or not but in either case you lied. In the case of Michael Flynn there was a long list of people who thought his lies were material and they were all democrats who did not like Trump. Does politics sometimes determine whether something is material or not. Flynn confessed to lying and was convicted. Later an FBI agent involved in the case said that Flynn did not lie. After two years of investigation, during which time Flynn went deep in debt with legal fees, the Justice Department dismissed the case but then a judge refused to dismiss. It was then that Trump pardoned Flynn. How this all started was revealed by FBI director James Comey. Former FBI Director James Comey admitted in a recent interview that he personally made the decision to send a pair of agents to interview President Trump’s national security adviser Michael Flynn in 2017. Asked to describe how two FBI agents ended up at the White House to interview Flynn in January 2017, Comey, speaking to MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace during a forum discussion Sunday, said flatly: “I sent them. Comey went on to acknowledge the way the interview was set up – not through the White House counsel’s office, but arranged directly with Flynn – was not standard practice. He called it “something I probably wouldn't have done or maybe gotten away with in a more … organized administration.”

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