Thursday, August 25, 2022

Impeachment and the senate

Some elected officials are planning on impeaching Home Land Security secretary Mayorkas if the republicans take over the house but that is just political show talk. While it only takes a simple majority in the house to impeach a cabinet member, it requires a two/thirds majority in the senate to convict. So they can have the flashy TV to impeach, much like what happened with Trump but there will be no conviction in the senate. It will be a waste of money and give the congressmen a chance to give speeches on national TV but nothing of substance will come of it. The time could be better spend doing something about the broken immigration system. Experts say the illegals do the work that US citizens will not do. If the pay is raised high enough citizens will gladly do the work and consumers will have to pay more for their vegies. The people in the US spend about 7% of their budget on food whereas people in Europe spend 10 to 15%.

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