Wednesday, August 17, 2022


Cancel culture has come home to all of us. We now find ourselves in the awkward position of being afraid to say what we believe. The fear of being ridiculed as insensitive and/or ignorant has stopped some communication. Poll: 71% of Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have, 58% Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share. Here is some controversial thoughts to make you think. Who are these people who decide what is okay to say and what is not okay. If you are a bible believing Christian who believes that homosexuality is a sin why should you be afraid to state what you believe. Many Christians believe in the concept of hate the sin and love the sinner. Recently science has suggested that there may be a criminal gene. If this turns out to be true will the laws be adjusted to account for this. Will criminal activity be excused as a genetic defect. Will those who criticize criminals be castigated as ignorant fools who see themselves as morally superior to criminals. Not separating the person from the act is what leads to prejudice. You can challenge a persons actions without denigrating them as human beings. I once told a new manager that when the customer criticizes your products or your business practices you should thank them and make the necessary changes to improve your business but if they criticize you as a person you can stop them and explain the difference. The product you sent me was defective in the way it was packaged, how it performed and the price is too high. All well and good. In fact you don't know what you are doing. Not good.

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