Wednesday, August 10, 2022

NY Times

The New York Times wrote this week that your lawn is killing the planet and having a nice suburban green lawn is racist. Take that all of you dandelion haters. This problem has been well documented for years and they are finally getting around to bringing it to everyone's attention. Here are some simple facts. There are 62,000 square miles of grass (the size of Wisconsin) and lawns consume 3 trillion gallons of water each year (enough for 150 million swimming pools), 200 million gallons of gasoline (the same as 300,000 cars) and 70 million pounds of pesticides. Add to that the fact that Mr and Mrs Suburbia use 36 billion gallons of gasoline (same as 55 million cars) for motorized recreational vehicles. If these same people all drove sedans that would save another 10 billion gallons of gas, (15 million cars)

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