Friday, January 5, 2024


Ballot collecting, also known as "ballot harvesting", is the gathering and submitting of completed absentee or mail-in voter ballots by third-party individuals, volunteers or workers, rather than submission by voters themselves directly to ballot collection sites. The voter must return the ballot in only five states. 33 states allow a voter to designate someone else to return the ballot for them. In the last election 63 million eligible voters did not vote. Some states place a limit on the number of ballots one person can collect but there are ballot boxes where these ballots can be dropped sometimes called stuffed. In some states campaign workers can go directly to the homes of voters, collect completed ballots and drop them off in mass at polling places or ballot boxes. These people can be paid hourly for their work. It is easy to see how the campaign workers could help the voters fill out the ballet. During the four years in between presidential elections many registration forms are mailed often times six or more times to the same voter. In some states registration is not necessary to vote. The workers have four years to register as many as possible. As election time approaches ballots are sent to the voters who have been registered. It is most efficient where early voting is allowed and the earlier the better. There are only two states where early voting is not allowed, Alabama and New Hampshire. In Minnesota you do not have to register to vote and early voting begins 46 days before election.

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