Saturday, March 8, 2025

Endless war

Turmp has put Europe in a quandary. They don’t have a central army but small armies in a dozen countries and no one country is in charge. The don’t have the military equipment nor the money to defend Ukraine against Russia so they hold meetings in the hopes of convincing America they are organizing to fight for Ukraine. They are not willing to sacrifice their social programs to build up defense, so their easy out, is to get the US back on track to aid Ukraine but Trump is not having it. Trump’s position is that he wants the war to end and will allow US private industry to invest in Ukraine, which means civilian Americans on the ground in Ukraine, which means that Russia will not attack for fear of starting a war with the US. Europe wants to continue the war but they want the US to lead the way with money and equipment. In other words, they are the globalists and they want to keep on with the old way of doing things. They want the US to give them protection and favorable trade deals. They haven’t figured out that those days are gone. Many oppose Trump’s plan but they have yet to come up with another plan. So far, their answer is to just continue the endless war.

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