Saturday, October 2, 2021

Carbon free

President Biden announced that the US will be carbon free by 2050 and the press responded with no questions. These people assume that by that time all of our power will come from renewables. In other words wind and solar will replace fossil fuels. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh. Wouldn't it be good reporting to ask if 747's and military jets will fly on batteries. What about railroad locomotives, bulldozers and tanks. Would there be any concern about poisoning the land and water while mining for rare earth metals. Is having backup power needed when the sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow. These things are not asked because, in the eyes of many, the real purpose for going green is not climate change but social change. Based on today's technology the best path to carbon free is an immediate change to natural gas for transportation followed up by thorium nuke plants. Inexpensive electric power from nuke plants will be used to produce hydrogen for transportation including planes. After no more CO2 is being produced then removal of CO2 from the atmosphere is the final step. I feel like a broken record.

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