Sunday, October 31, 2021

Wind solar and nuclear

Most everyone agrees that the increase in CO2 is at the center of the climate change controversy. Most also agree that to combat this all sources of energy must be considered. Most agree that geothermo and hydro are acceptable which leaves wind, solar and nuclear. Thorium nuke plants are small, inexpensive and safe so they could be the backup power for solar and wind when the sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow. Thorium is readily available and unlike wind and solar does not cause environmental problems when mined. Thorium plants are small and compact and can be mass produced in an assembly line process and shipped to differently locations and assembled on site. They can start by replacing power plants and in time start producing hydrogen for transportation. In time wind and solar will no longer be needed. Thorium plants do not have the problem of disposal that uranium plants have and can even use stored nuclear waste as fuel. This will be possible if politics is removed from the equation and climate change is not uses for social change. Come on man we can do this.

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