Wednesday, October 20, 2021


It all started in the spring of 2022. The discovery of a memory chemical that could turn an average person into one with a photographic memory within a few months. The first test were conducted by volunteer college students and the results were nothing less than miraculous. Under a lot of pressure the FDA approved the drug for everyone and within a year 6th graders were graduating from high school. It wasn't long before problems developed. Some people did not want to take the drug fearing long term consequences yet to be discovered. These students who represented 20% of the population were holding up the class work of others and those parents complained. Some suggested that these students be put in separate classes which ran contrary to the concept of main streamming students with learning disabilities. Those who refused to take the pill were ridiculed as being ignorant and uncaring. When shaming didn't work employers were asked to demand that employees take the pill or lose their jobs. This lowered the non com-pliers to ten percent but they held strong. The final solution was to go house to house and give memory test and those who failed would be jailed. They followed the policy set down in 2021 when Dr. Anthony Fauci declared last week that people hesitant to receive the COVID-19 vaccine should "give up" their individual freedoms "for the greater good of society." This could be taken right from the communist manifesto.

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