Saturday, February 3, 2024


The reasons for abortion are varied. 40% say they cannot afford a child. 36% say they were not emotionally of financially ready for a baby 33% say they did not have a stable relationship with their partner. 20% say they needed to focus on their other children 20% say the timing would interfere with future opportunities and goals 19% say they were emotionally or mentally unprepared for a baby 12% say they were concerned about health related concerns 12% say they could not provide the kind of life a child deserves. 7% say they lack the maturity to have a child 5% say they were influenced by family and friends If there are medical reasons like the health of the child or mother this would be different than the above reasons which are financial and emotional. It is becoming more prevalent to abort Downs babies. Is this a slippery slope. As technology progresses and prenatal test are able to determine other factors like height, IQ, athletic ability and personality will this increase the reasons for abortion.

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