Saturday, February 17, 2024


The coming election with the possibility of Trump winning is a cause of great consternation among many and in particular the political class. The dilemma revolves around the two ways of looking at Trump. The anti Trumpers fall into two groups. The first are the ordinary voters who see Trump as an egomaniac concerned only about his own image and power, who says things and acts in ways that are totally inappropriate in civil society and provides an image to the world that is unflattering to America. The second group are the establishment composed of the bureaucracy, the democratic party, the old line republicans, big business, the press, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley. They are afraid that Trump will disrupt the status quo and upend the power structure. All of these groups have a vested interest in not rocking the boat. Their unwarranted fear of Bernie Sanders pushed them into a candidate that they knew was incompetent but could be controlled and not upset the apple cart. What these groups fail to understand is that the middle income people that they have professed to be concerned about, have discovered that they were just being used as pawns to promote globalization. This resulted in huge profits for business, loss of good jobs for the middle group and widening wealth distribution. CEO's who make 300 times what the workers make and one half of the wealth belongs to the top one percent illustrates how the working people are not being served by the establishment and want a change. The only way out is for those in power to use that power in what ever way that is necessary to defeat Trump. If they are successful that will cement their power structure for many more years.

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