Thursday, February 29, 2024


Last summer the house passed and immigration bill but it was shut down in the senate. The bill would Require employers to use e- verify to assure that all employees had social security cards End the asylum rules meaning you could no longer just cross the border and claim asylum Make it more difficult for unaccompanied minors to claim special juvenile status Fast-track deportations Provide details on sponsors to make sure they are properly identified No path to citizenship This year the senate passed a bill but it was shut down in the house. The bill would Provide $2.1 billion for a border wall $500 million for additional Border Patrol Agents $300 million for inspection technology End the practice of catch and release Would allow unaccompanied minors families to enter If more than 5,000 migrants show up at the border the government can shut down the border If the senate bill had included a remain in Mexico clause it would have been the Trump border rules and it had passed it wouldn't have needed the extra money for border patrol and technology because the number of migrants would have declined to pre Biden numbers.

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